Tuesday, March 1, 2011

[Unnanounced Title] Board game stuff - sneak peek!

I've recently started working on a board game project with a good friend and these are some of the heroes i've drawn so far. Each piece is about 6 hours in. They're all kind of unfinished so i guess another 6 hours on each would make them shine a bit. I'll be showing more art from the board game as soon as it becomes available.
Some spoilers and previews might follow.

1 comment:

  1. Salutare Cristi!

    Am avut ocazia sa vad eroii in timp ce erau in lucru si pot spune ca o sa fie un boardgame tare de tot. Abia astept sa-i termini si pe restul ca sa-mi fac o imagine mai clara.

    Keep up the good work!

